Category: Sustainability
6 Ways You Can Eat Rice Bran
If asked to guess a dish common to different cultures around the globe, your first instinct might be to say “rice” – considering that it can be found on almost any dinner menu anywhere – and you would be right! Rice is one of the most widely consumed grain product in the world, being a…
5 Ways You Can Use Cacao (Cocoa) Husks
‘Food of the gods’ – is a title held by the seed of an unsuspecting fruit, the cacao bean. Cacao has a cherished place in societies worldwide, being used to create one of the most beloved and iconic indulgences that unite all – chocolate. But did you know that chocolate is surprisingly not made from…
Breakfast and Brew: Tech Edition
the moonbeam co. has once again organised a new Breakfast and Brew gathering, tailor-made for the vibrant local tech entrepreneur community! Join us as we uncover the heart of Breakfast and Brew and delve into the extraordinary connections forged during this event! What is Breakfast and Brew? Breakfast and Brew is a community-driven initiative designed…